A Coherent Critical Mass Converts:  • Resistance Into Allowing • Fear Into Understanding • Anger Into Love

Please check your inbox for your your first Neurofeedback Research For World Peace presentation email which will arrive momentarily and continue daily.

There is a  Click For Audio link in each day’s email to the right of the greeting that allows you to read and listen (text/audio) at the same time. Please let me know what you think of this feature!

I wholeheartedly look forward to your thoughts and insights and participation!

And be sure to forward to your friends and family!

Wishing you well

Jim Hamilton
310 878-2260
Sedona, Arizona

Beyond resistance lies a world of synchronicity, harmony and order
Said another way, resistance brings us everything we do not want
–J.Hamilton                                nosce te ipsum
……………………… …………..tat sannidhau vairatyagah

About J.Hamilton
Imagine A Solution

If you have problems, questions, or for additional information:
contact J.Hamilton

Build what’s next..

TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance
Intentional Communities and Intentional Corporations
~harnessing the power of coherent groups~
CORE Resonance Colonies

Problems are of the mind,
Solutions are of the Divine..™

Alignment before Action
each and every day
stay tuned™