© 2020 J.Hamilton  

by J.Hamilton
Can you imagine a happy planet?
It’s a good start but we each need to do far more!

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TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance is a variation on CORE Resonance Colonies™. TapRoot™ is intended to ground Innate Intelligence into the foundation of intentional corporations, intentional organizations, intentional communities and other intentional groups or institutions created by the mind of man so that these intentional artificial entities can be infused with Innate Intelligence at their foundation to then go forward in a coherent, resonant and functional manner.

TapRoot™ can be employed within teams of any sort (including sports) or any organization that wishes to ground Innate Intelligence into their organization to better deliver their products and accordingly, better serve humanity.

Generally, six key individuals of the organization become the center point for aligning their organization with Innate Intelligence. TapRoot™ as the center of any organization, through coherence and resonance powerfully influences the entire staff, refines the underlying theme of the organization and refines the outpouring of its services to its client base.

An important warning:

Humanity has been creating artificial entities most recently known as corporations, foundations, trusts, LLCs, Limited Partnerships, institutions of the church, higher learning, medicine and science, not to mention governments, for centuries. Artificial entities, generally created under the authority of the government or a King may “live” hundreds of years which far exceed the lifespan of human beings.

Corporations generally created for purposes of profit and liability protection, have no nervous system and accordingly, have no capacity to know the difference between right and wrong. And in many corporations, the individuals in charge are offered generous “perks and parachutes” to look the other way as profits are driven at the expense of the human condition.

Worse, humans inadvertently look to artificial entities as authority figures and leaders because of the scale of their presence in everyday life. Artificial entities generate massive ad campaigns directed at consumers who have been trained to “buy this” or “buy that,” or to become accustomed to “thinking this” or thinking that.”

Governments and corporations are the biggest transgressors of the fundamentals of clean air, clean water, clean food and healthy medicines along with the issues of human rights, justice and diversity. Artificial entities are responsible for a great deal of the pollution on our planet.

Because of the importance of the business sector and its influence on humanity, it is essential that conscious corporations become mainstream. It is essential that as long as artificial entities are influential, that they be first and foremost, created to serve humanity. How effectively they serve humanity becomes a component of the the “new bottom line” definition of success for our species.

Any individual or group of individuals who want to start an intentional profit or non-profit organization need the organizational characteristics of one of the many variations of corporations. Entities have been used for many hundreds of years to organize and centralize what is requested of them not so different from a variation on “auto-servo mechanisms” that do what they are programmed to do, which in this case is to provide a service, generate profits and separate the founders from liability.

And because we use entities as an important cog of commerce in our everyday world, intentional organizations, advantaged by their partnership with Innate Intelligence, become beacons and true leaders of fairness and opportunity for all involved.

The solution for humanity and the planet is to re-enable our natural state of connection with Source through our personal and our business lives. This is done through a refining of our listening and sensing mechanisms for which Innate Intelligence and Innate Guidance deliver us individually and as a species back on track to our intended function.

TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance and CORE Resonance Colonies™ are how we can make the world a far better place by grounding Innate Intelligence into what we think, say and do on planet earth.

As we learn to partner with what’s true, we become a successful species.

Because TapRoot™ and Colonies™ are not driven by the mind, nor driven by the ego, they stay true to their function.

TapRoot™ By CORE Resonance is a very good use of your time!

310 878-2260
Sedona, Arizona  86336

Beyond resistance lies a world of synchronicity, harmony and order.
Said another way, resistance brings us everything we do not want.
–J.Hamilton                                nosce te ipsum
                                               tat sannidhau vairatyagah

About J.Hamilton
Imagine A Solution

 Copyright 2007 – 2020 J.Hamilton

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The Twelve Premises of CORE Resonance Colonies™ – for an enlightened world — Download For Free!


The fifth book by J.Hamilton (2015) lays out the foundation for CORE Resonance Colonies™. Colonies™ as groups of six spread across the planet, magnify and ground coherence into the realm of humanity as an antidote to our dysfunctional behavior as a species. By refining and quieting the human nervous system, we become mechanisms by which Innate Intelligence as coherence dispels dissonance, destructive patterns and habits and disorder on our planet. Coherence becomes the governing force for humanity and returns us to a healthy species. Colonies™ provide solutions to the problems of humanity by harnessing non-traditional but ever-present sciences and tools available to us right now.

Free download

Use Coupon Code “world peace” without quotations marks in the final checkout.

Quantum Activism
Taproot by CORE Resonance
The Power of Polarity and Choice
Coherence Dissipates Distortion
Exponential Contribution
Is Coherence The New Magic?

TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance
Intentional Communities and Intentional Corporations
~harnessing the power of coherent groups~
CORE Resonance Colonies

Problems are of the mind,
Solutions are of the Divine..™

Alignment before Action
each and every day..
stay tuned™

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