© 2020 J.Hamilton  

by J.Hamilton
Can you imagine a happy planet?
It’s a good start but we each need to do far more!

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As a product of my background with neurofeedback, I discovered that we can quiet the nervous system with neurofeedback much more quickly than can be done with meditation. I discovered that we can rapidly reach within, find what makes us tick and learn how to live in sync with the mechanism that brings order to our lives.

As you may know, I have 45-plus years background in meditation so I have some familiarity with what a lifetime of meditation can achieve — and it is significant. But most of us don’t have a lifetime of meditation, and for many, there isn’t enough time to acquire 40 or 50 years of experience. And yes, anytime is a good time to start, and meditation is a mechanism by which we learn to delve “within.” Learning about our inner nature as it relates to living life on planet earth is essential to a successful human experience.

But most of us have been skimming the surface of life and most have not dug within and introduced ourselves to ourselves — yet!

Because most of us do not know what actually makes us tick, most of us live lives on vast and unnecessary overload. And, most of us live lives of “automated patterns and habits” we didn’t actually choose. While some of us have learned to truly harness our subconscious mind and patterns and habits, most live lives in variations of results we do not want. Many of us subtly identify “circumstances beyond our control” for our shortcomings.

Most of us are caught up in variations of resistance and reaction to life because we don’t really know how life works!

I discovered neurofeedback in 2006 and claim it took me over the top during which I wrote four additional books. CORE Resonance, as proprietary neurofeedback, delivered a most profound experience of inner delving and did so over a very short period of time. It changed my life by delivering access to Inner Guidance above and beyond what meditation could do.

What I noticed was that as I quieted the mind with CORE Resonance over a period of time, Presence naturally became available. In Presence, Guidance naturally showed up and Guidance naturally delivered me to an altogether new and different scale of Order in my life.

What I discovered was that in refining the nervous system, my subtle sensing functions became far more available. I made far better choices and the realities as a product of my old states of resistance and reaction faded as allowing became predominant.

Allowing and my sensing functions allowed me to “lock on” to the frequency of God which delivers a very different experience of life.

By way of example:

•  when we are unconscious, we walk through mud puddles — we are unaware of polarity.

•  When we become conscious, we walk around mud puddles — we use polarity to our advantage.

•  When we plug into Guidance, there are no mud puddles — there is no longer a need for polarity.

As a by-product of sensing our way back to God, we inadvertently ground the frequency of God/ coherence into the world of humankind. In so doing, we begin the journey of becoming exponentially contributive to a world in need of a few good ideas.

Check out a client’s experience as a real life scenario spiraled ever upward!

Re-enabling our natural state of connection with Source becomes a very good use of your time!

310 878-2260
Sedona, Arizona  86336

Beyond resistance lies a world of synchronicity, harmony and order.
Said another way, resistance brings us everything we do not want.
–J.Hamilton                                nosce te ipsum
                                               tat sannidhau vairatyagah

About J.Hamilton
Imagine A Solution

 Copyright 2007 – 2020 J.Hamilton

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The Twelve Premises of CORE Resonance Colonies™ – for an enlightened world — Download For Free!


The fifth book by J.Hamilton (2015) lays out the foundation for CORE Resonance Colonies™. Colonies™ as groups of six spread across the planet, magnify and ground coherence into the realm of humanity as an antidote to our dysfunctional behavior as a species. By refining and quieting the human nervous system, we become mechanisms by which Innate Intelligence as coherence dispels dissonance, destructive patterns and habits and disorder on our planet. Coherence becomes the governing force for humanity and returns us to a healthy species. Colonies™ provide solutions to the problems of humanity by harnessing non-traditional but ever-present sciences and tools available to us right now.

Free download

Use Coupon Code “world peace” without quotations marks in the final checkout.

Quantum Activism
Taproot by CORE Resonance
The Power of Polarity and Choice
Coherence Dissipates Distortion
Exponential Contribution
Is Coherence The New Magic?

TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance
Intentional Communities and Intentional Corporations
~harnessing the power of coherent groups~
CORE Resonance Colonies

Problems are of the mind,
Solutions are of the Divine..™

Alignment before Action
each and every day..
stay tuned™

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