of a man who allows himself to...
This is the clear, beautifully written prose of a man who allows himself to be completely surrendered into the Knowing that is larger than himself. He synthesizes what he is guided to write from pure Divine inspiration. As I read, I felt as if I was in the presence of an angelic being.
Now that the world has been schooled in the reality of how vibration attracts similar vibration, we can let go of the outmoded Law of Attraction idea that we can change our attraction by changing what we desire. Jim Hamilton shows us that it is our sensory world that is leading us on a path we need to become aware of and learn to shift up to sanely, responsible small action steps toward that which we seek. All the while, we listen for Guidance and watch for synchronicity as indicators, guideposts and encouragement from All That Is.
We step into new version of ourselves, then our new lives began to take shape around us. We let go of that which we don't want. He shows us how, by the momentum of forward steps in a "feeling" direction of what seems the highest and bestin alignment with who we are, and especially who we aspire to be, we begin to change our world.
--By Laura Celesti
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