Ultimate Personal Performance

House of Coherence, a 508c1A DBA: VisionariesLab

all things human™

health, education, personal power, influence & abundance

ChoicePoints™ Allow Allowing To Do Life’s Heavy Lifting!

–©  2023  J.Hamilton  COREresonance.com  By J.Hamilton

Why Continue The Old Story When The Old Story Only Brings More Of The Same?
Instead, Become Enabled Of Far More!

A few have asked where I disappeared to.. I’ve been busy! A new kind of global-contribution-abundance-unfolding busy has been taking place as another aspect of CORE Resonance and VisionariesLab! (2023) kicks in. It seems my New 508 Communities article (Aug 2022) has been discovered and I am busy with 508 nonprofit organizations and the communities that ensue. And on the heels of that, or more properly, vice-versa, ChoicePoints™ kicked in. [PS Check out COREresonance.com/trilogy for more of the latest.]

In this newsletter, I want to share a bit of what I have discovered since ChoicePoint™ hit the scene a few months ago.

But that begins with.. I just returned from the Neuroscience Needs A Revolution To Understand Consciousness conference where I met and heard some astounding people. The event was hosted by The University of Arizona Center for Consciousness Studies chaired by Dr. Stuart Hameroff and the California Institute for Human Sciences (chaired by Thomas Brophy, PhD) in Encinitas, my new favorite place in S. Calif.

This event hosted some of the top illuminaries on the planet including Sir Roger Penrose, the aforementioned Stuart Hameroff, Deepak Chopra, etc. Deepak* was exceptional* in his interpretation of the use of AI as we go forward. Several of my new discoveries include Dr. Jeffrey A. Martin*, Dr. Daniel Sheehan, and Dr. Anita Goel.

You can access the above video archive at the CIHS Website or through The Center for Consciousness Studies.

Things are moving so fast now.. Let me share some of the latest.

First. We are the accumulation of all of our old (and new) wishes and thoughts, what we “know to be so”, hope to be so, hope to escape, embrace, retrain, entrain, acquire, pray for, hope for, wish for, resist, are angry about, incensed by, “so and so said,” etc., all jumbled together in what becomes our outward mental broadcast! No wonder we live in a chaotic inner and outer world. I recommend that we begin anew by learning how to “only” go forward in a new way. Leave the entire past and even our “less than optimal” present behind.

Recently, ChoicePoints™ showed up on my intuitive wave band that is so handy and introduced the idea that we can choose coherence at every opportunity. Why coherence? Because coherence is as close as we can get to understanding Innate Intelligence’s Order, God’s governance and our truest orientation. Making the choice for more Order and “coherent internal governance” delivers what we truly want in our lives. In other words, how would you best like to handle a situation? Embracing your version of the highest possibilities, your version of the mind’s thinking? Relying on the best experts, or the world around you and it’s best thinking and knowing? Or, something bigger, better and truer that feeds everyone equally and delivers solutions all around?

The trees, bumble bees and all of Nature know about this innate governance and Order and unequivocally abide by it. Your most efficient scenario is to learn how to let go and totally plug into this Order. And the simplest way is to train your mind to make micro-choices for more coherence. It is actually astoundingly simple.

Every time you have a choice, or can define a thought or feeling going forward, make it toward more coherence. Note: Otherwise, we are embracing and re-fortifying the thoughts we already have, resisting what we already resist, and inadvertently allowing those thoughts. It turns out allowing is between our thoughts and as we clean up our thoughts, allowing becomes far more useful to us and ultimately others.

Allowing is the juice. Allowing is the action that is not action. Allowing does the heavy lifting as we discover becoming more conscious and making better choices in each moment in our lives. ChoicePoints™ allows allowing to deliver everything we will ever need in this lifetime. Additionally, this pathway puts us on the trail of far more abundance, far more pleasure, far more inner and outer fun, far more extraordinary timing of events, far more sophisticated outcomes, far more overall inclusion, and far more useful influence in the world, etc., etc., etc.

Continuously unfolding synchronicity, harmony and order, flow, abundance, coherence and resonance, i.e., always being in the right place at the right time, delivers a vastly more coherent experience on planet earth. Hint: As we get the hang of the principle of ChoicePoints™ on earth, it underlies our navigation off planet as well.

My most accurate definition of God or Source or Innate Intelligence is coherence. And coherence, of course, dissipates distortion. Next is to identify dissonance renting space in your head or your life, and instead of correcting dissonance, resisting dissonance, working on dissonance and otherwise continuing to host dissonance; instead choose coherence. Let dissonance go, choose away from dissonance, and leave room for more and new coherence to come into your life! You then become most useful to yourself and others! Why? Because your coherence becomes exponentially contributive to what surrounds you!

The refining of allowing through ChoicePoints™ is the new direction. There is no longer the need for the slow track of learning from polarity, i.e., contrast and clarity, trial and error, or slowly working your way up the evolutionary/ consciousness ladder. Simply cut to the chase and make choices and micro-choices for more coherence! Leave the “reasons” aside! A new bumper sticker: Abandon reason(s)!

In other words, ChoicePoints™ is the rudder that allows allowing to deliver the results you want to see in your life. We simply guide our unfoldings by choosing coherence at every opportunity. I’ve found that allowing, without a rudder, leaves the vast bulk of our potential on the cutting room floor.

The new way to guide our lives is through ChoicePoints™. By learning to harness micro-choices for more coherence, we allow allowing to do life’s heavy lifting which then delivers far more sophisticated and far-reaching results than we could ever accomplish on our own.

I can illustrate the above with a 3-minute guided meditation about ChoicePoints™ that I offered in July of 2023 in Cottonwood, Arizona.

You can review more at 015_Allow “Allowing” To Do Life’s Heavy Lifting! (audio/video podcast). I haven’t reviewed it since it was published and I think it starts slow because I was still forming ideas/ descriptives as I went along but I think it hits the nail on the proverbial head.. Give it a go and let me know what you think/ feel! Hint: Our best insights come as feeling; different states/ octaves of feeling.. (See States of Being as Feeling! article by J.Hamilton)

ChoicePoints™ is such a big idea that is so simple!

Want to take another step in the same direction but in a more formatted lesson style? Try Soaring Affirmations™, Prosperity! ..and Guidance Lite™ (SoarAFFIRM™) which includes a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Learn to add discipline to an unruly mind by saturating your mind with an affirmation-based program based on your connection with Source. As you learn to find and manage your thoughts, it becomes easier to add ChoicePoints™ and continue to refine your end results..

We all want happy endings! This becomes especially true if we make choices for happy endings in each moment..

Watch the momentum grow! Watch your reality creating soar! Watch your happiness/ happenstance quotient climb sky-high. Become who the still small voice already knows you are! Become usefully influential! Contribute to making the world a better place by your small choices for more coherence. Become an agent for change by the small choices that you make for more coherence.

Be in touch. Let me know your thoughts, or better yet, let me know what you feel! And learn to find and trust your feelings.. the truest gauge for getting into sync with what is true!

Click to learn more:
Soaring Affirmations™, Prosperity! ..and Guidance Lite
Or contact me for additional information


Rev. James Hamilton
House of Coherence