This book is wonderfully and personally written. It addresses the inward journey that we all must take, that allows us to find our true nature and become it and let it out..
It explains that we are the creators of our destinies and that "momentum" is our primary creation. Momentum is our habitual beliefs and patterns of thinking that form our outgoing prayer that, as our focus and underlying intent, precedes our individual reality creation. What pours out of us, unconscious and conscious, is the source of our realities.
Hamilton beautifully explains how to refine momentum (outpourings) through a grounded interpretation of unconditional love with regard to our own faulty creations first. Eventually we come to understand that all of us, as creators, are just learning to get it right. As we learn to have compassion for ourselves and our mistaken and poor quality reality creation, we learn to have compassion for others. As we learn to "get it right" our worlds begin to turn for the better.
He ends with personal experiences of connected reality interspersed with synchronicities ("echoes of an interactive universe") that belie his ideals. He suggests that as we become in tune with Universal Forces, otherwise becoming popularly known as the Quantum Field, the quality and capacity of our ability to create "useful" reality climbs exponentially for which synchronicities "light the way." As creators of reality in partnership with Universal Forces, our reality creation becomes exponentially more useful to the whole.
For a gentleman who has meditated for 30 plus years, he enlightens his readers to the values of self-discovery, self-reliance and true personal power. Apparently he believes in power for the people, for which I most heartily agree.
Bravo to Mr. Hamilton for a descriptive and personal journey well done..!!
--P. Martin
Reality Creation is up to Us!
by J.Hamilton | Mar 11, 2016
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