–© 2016 – 2019 J.Hamilton  www.COREresonance.com

This is a review and rewrite of an article originally published in March of 2016 by J.Hamilton. The article began:

Interviews (1)-182x180-9362I was giving a presentation recently and Donald Trump came up. Trump has become famous for saying he wants to build a 30 foot high wall between Mexico and the US, and that he will “negotiate” with Mexico to pay for it. Of course, Mexico says never. Trump often makes shocking statements, generalizes and divides people based on ideology, ethnicity, religious beliefs, economic strata, anger/ frustration quotient, etc. He disparages minorities and women, and fights with just about anyone. He incites emotion among his listeners, and accordingly, manipulates them.

Trump seems to be a variation on an activist. And while he might tear the nation down (and seems to be doing so) as well as entrenched policies of old that may need to shift, he may also be making way for a new world if but we have the strength, resilience and wisdom/ vision to ride this to what should become a positive unfolding for the American people, and the world at large.

Before the new can be reborn though, the old must fade away, or be ripped away, or calamitous times must be exhibited so that we can become clear about what we want as a people, as a species and as a nation–and then go forward. After all, America has delivered so very much innovation to the world. Why stop now?

The question becomes: when you have a problem with someone close or important to you, how do you lead? By building walls or building bridges?

This walls and bridges statement of course was made by Pope Francis in response to a remark by Trump in 2016, but the point is resistance only brings more resistance; walls bring only more walls. Resistance, rigidity and density is what destroys relationships, maintains tensions and destroys one’s day (and often the next day and the next), and sometimes one’s whole life.

Resistance and tension keeps us out of our Connection, limits access to our inner dialogue and inner peace, and disempowers the individual. In our inadvertent attention (unconscious consentience) to the drama and sensationalism, we inadvertently contribute to the din and dysfunction and disempower ourselves and others.

After all, what is the outward expression of consciousness other than what we put our attention to, and the perspective we hold?

A few days ago, I left the house for an event only to discover I had forgotten my prescription glasses that normally sit on top of my head. And because cocktails were part of the mix, it was much smarter for me to be wearing my glasses on my return trip home after dark. But in allowing vs reacting to the realization that I’d forgotten my glasses for which I might have returned home making me late… instead I “allowed” and continued on my way. A few minutes later, it “popped” into my head that I had a spare pair of glasses in the trunk of my car along with my hiking gear.

The problem went away without reacting to it or even addressing it!  The solution to “the problem” was simply there all along. Amazing!

What I saw in this tiny example of nonresistance, i.e., not becoming flustered or irritated or feeding on the emotion of the moment (for which Trump is the master), our attention usually goes to the problem and we inadvertently exacerbate the problem. Insead, in this case “I allowed,” the problem faded and I received a subtle insight that delivered a solution.

In resistance and reaction, we miss the subtleties of life; the insights and what our inner dialogue is constantly conferring to us–as solutions!

As we go forward in conflict and reaction, the quality of our reality creating suffers. In previous articles, we’ve talked about how insights “come to us;” how inventions and discoveries “come to us,” and how our cosmic Connection is something that “comes to us” if but we would “allow.”

Instead, when our sensing apparatus is overwhelmed by resistance and reaction, our very subtle connection is drowned out.

In this talk, I was talking about alternatives to resistance as a form of activism; I was talking about alternative solutions to the perils of mankind blindly going forward based on resistance, reactionary posturing, polarization, “fighting what’s wrong” and a bigger hammer for which we all pay the price.

After all, humans riled up lose access to the insights that deliver peaceful solutions.

The problem with “fighting what’s wrong” is that it only brings more of the same. When we discover that resistance is massive focus (catalyzed by strong emotion), we recognize Law of Attraction is alive and well in our lives–usefully or in a detrimentally so!

Hint: Get people emotional about a perceived wrong and you can easily manipulate individuals and particularly, crowds of people. Polarize people and they have no thinking function left. (Gee, this sounds like marketing!)

Part of my talk introduced an alternative to resistance and reaction. We know about The Maharishi Effect, a repeatable non-traditional scientific phenomenon which, in one example, reduced violent crime 23.3 percent in Wash DC in 1993! Can you imagine 4,000 meditators over a 7 week period meditating, and influencing a whole city?

Automobile accidents went down during the same period of time, and gov approval numbers went up!

Holy Smokes!

We talked about the principle behind The Map of Consciousness fostered by the esteemed Dr. David Hawkins indicating that the more conscious we are, the less resistant we are. The less resistance we are, the more Innate Intelligence expresses through us and positively influences the whole.

I coined the expression “coalescing coherence” as an understanding by which the more Innate Intelligence expresses through intentionally coherent individuals (peeks out through quieted meditators), the more peace is grounded into the world..

Coherence dissipates dissonance

I also touched on the paper titled “Are Inventions Inevitable?” written by two Columbia University professors in 1922 who discovered that likely most, if not all inventions, discoveries and processes are discovered by multiple parties simultaneously. In other words, humans are receivers and it appears that “inventions” are received by far more than one individual at a time. Humans create solutions “out of thin air,” i.e., solutions come to those “open” to receive insights and solve problems.

But solutions don’t come to us when we are in resistance and resentment and reaction.

I even talked about America’s founding fathers understanding of this principle. After all, we have thoughts, insights and creativity that come to us from our connection with Source. We receive insights, we act upon them and manifest things that never before existed. Symphonies, bridges, art, architectural wonders, technology and so many other inventions, discoveries and processes come from that spark in mankind that comes from beyond.

This is why humans are the most valuable resource on the planet. We create out of thin air!

(and why manipulating humans is so important to certain folks!)

TWP-3It turns out our founding fathers knew of this connection and identified “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as a key component of the Declaration of Independence.  And, while you may not be familiar with the definition of “pursuit of happiness,” it means “the exclusive ownership of something to the exclusion of all others.”

This clause is the foundation of what made America great, i.e., the exclusive ownership of one’s property because it understood that we receive our thoughts; therefore our thoughts are “exclusively” our own (along with the Cosmos :). But our thoughts are our property. And, the extension of our thoughts is our labor–our property alone as well–though most of us do not even remotely understand this concept.

Exclusive ownership of one’s property is the foundation of what made the United States of America great.

The solution is to begin to train our nervous systems and minds to re-enable our natural state of connection with Innate Intelligence which empowers us like nothing else. And in so doing, we become enabled of our natural state of Connection such that resistance and reaction, and those who would manipulate, no longer have hold over our decision-making processes. As we re-enable our natural state of connections with Source, we become exponentially contributive. We stand on our own two feet in our power and truest strength. We acknowledge this truth in others.

And this is how we make the world a better place!

CORE Resonance introduces a solutions-orientation that knows no bounds and a social experiment in rapidly advancing human evolution and human consciousness by rapidly refining the human nervous system such that the survival mechanism of  resistance and reactionary posturing become a thing of the past. Better said, as we learn how to refine our nervous systems, i.e., our living antenna systems,

we invite that partnership with Innate Intelligence that so powerfully unfolds our truest nature, and we then “deliver” the solution!

By enabling a conscious reaching out to our Maker, do we, in partnership with Innate Intelligence, move forward individually and collectively–exponentially contributing to the awakening of mankind. It is a conscious, concerted effort, in partnership with each other and the Divine that we rapidly release the resistance of the masses…

and bring peace to a world in need of a few good ideas.

Forget the old. Trump creates a powerful polarity that makes it even easier to choose between right and wrong. As we get clearer about who we are, and what is important to us, we move to new tools of survival, new tools of success and new tools of leadership, not only for ourselves but others, and the planet itself.

It is a good use of our time..


reference: CORE Resonance Colonies™ | TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance

Beyond resistance lies a world of synchronicity, harmony and order
Said another way, resistance brings us everything we do not want
                              nosce te ipsum
                                            tat sannidhau vairatyagah

About J.Hamilton
The Twelve Premises of CORE Resonance Colonies
(Synopsis and free ebook download)

J.Hamilton’s latest insights include Imagine a SolutionCORE Resonance Colonies™, TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance, Colonize Earth First, Quantum Activism: for a planet in need of a few good ideas and Reset Coaching™.



Build what’s next..

TapRoot™ by CORE Resonance
Intentional Communities and Intentional Corporations
~harnessing the power of coherent groups~
CORE Resonance Colonies

Problems are of the mind,
Solutions are of the Divine..™

Alignment before Action
each and every day
stay tuned™